Become a CMHA Supporter For 45 years the Peel branch of Canadian
Mental Health Association has been helping those affected by
mental illness. This vital work would not be possible without the
generous support of people like you.
There are many ways you can choose to give your support to CMHA/Peel.
Direct donations provide us with resources to meet our immediate
needs, respond to crises, and support people who are in the most
dire circumstances. Monthly and legacy giving commitments provide
us with the stable core funding we need to manage our operations
and to deliver the most effective services -- today and in the
There are several ways you can choose to support CMHA/Peel:
- Through our Monthly
Giving program
- By internet through a secure site provided by Canada Helps

- By fax or mail, in response to our annual campaign, or our
special or emergency appeals
- By phone - we may call you, or you can contact us at
- By leaving a contribution to CMHA in your will
- By making a gift in memory
or in honour of, respectively a loved one who has passed
on, or a friend or family member celebrating a birthday,
anniversary, marriage or graduation
- At work through matching gift programs