Court Support Services
A. Grenville & William Davis Court House
7755 Hurontario St., Suite 321
Brampton, ON L6W 4T6
Ph.: 905-456-4700 x 5663
Fax: 905-456-1388
Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Mental Health Court: Tue.&Thu. 2:15 p.m.
Directions |
Release from Custody Planning
c/o Land Registry Office
2 County Court Blvd., Suite 102
Brampton, ON L6W 3W8
Ph: 905-451-7335
Fax: 905-453-4882
Toll Free: 1-866-460-7335 (PEEL)
Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Directions |
make a referral to Justice Housing and Support please call
Supportive Housing in Peel at 905-795-8742.
Mental Health and Justice Services offer:
Health Diversion
and Education
Coordination of Forensic Mental Health Services
Case Management
Custodial Facility Discharge Planning
Housing and Support
Clients are individuals who have a serious mental illness and
who are in conflict or at risk of being in conflict with the
criminal justice system. Clients must be:
- 16 years of age or older
- Resident of or be moving back to Peel Region
- Charged with a criminal offence under the Criminal Code of
- Diagnosed with and/or exhibiting symptoms of an Axis 1
mental illness (i.e. schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder,
bipolar affective disorder, first episode psychosis, long-term
clinical depression)
The program contains a short-term (less than one year) case
management component.
Court Support and Justice Services aims to achieve the
following outcomes:
- Clients (Judges, Police Officers, Crown Attorneys and
Defence Counsel) have immediate access to information about
mental illness, mental health, and access to services and
- Clients in the Criminal Justice System institutions get
support for their mental illness and mental health issues while
incarcerated and have resources, connections and support when
they leave
- Clients in conflict with or at risk of re-offending, have a
chance of not being in the Criminal Justice system or of not
re-offending by engaging in a recovery plan
The Case Management portion of this program intends to achieve
these outcomes:
- Clients have a life skills coach, in their own environment,
who works with them, and where desirable, their family and
friends, on achieving their goals and satisfying their needs
housing, income and activities of daily living
- Clients have someone to help them navigate social and
community services and link with them
- In terms of their mental illness, clients have someone who
helps them understand and manage their illness, and achieve
Mental Health
Diversion What is it?
- Pre-trial procedure
- Crown counsel decides not to prosecute an accused on a
discretionary case-by-case basis
- Instead accused is referred to a person, service or hospital
in order to address treatment needs
- Participation is voluntary
- Crown relinquishes its right to prosecute the divertee for
the offence
- This right is relinquished regardless of outcome of
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Consultation and
Education What is it?
- Providing referrals as needed to parties within the criminal
justice system
- Providing limited support to families and clients, as
appropriate, whose matters are not appropriate for diversion
- Providing information on mental illness and community
services to the criminal justice system
- Providing education on court processes and procedures to
service providers, families, etc.
- Consultation can be done at any stage of court proceedings
Two types of Consultation
Brief: Support to judiciary, families, ill persons, and
service providers on a one-time basis
Ongoing: Matters that require consistent support
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Coordination of Forensic Mental Health Services What is it?
Administrative service offered specifically to the courts, such
- Booking forensic beds
- Liaise between court and hospitals
- Partnering with consulting court psychiatrists
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Short-Term Case
Management What is it?
May be offered after assessment by a Court
Support Case Manager. Case management services may include:
- Accompanying client to Legal Aid, getting health card or
other documents
- Assisting clients to secure social assistance and housing
- Assisting with activities of daily living
- Escorting to medical appointments and rehabilitative
- Monitoring and encouraging clientss compliance with
treatment measures
- Developing and negotiating goals with client
- Provide linkage and support to clients who require
hands-on assistance
- Involvement ends after client is linked to other services or
for duration of clients court matter
To be eligible for Case management, client must meet basic
eligibility requirements (min. 16 yr., Peel resident, charged with
criminal offence, Axis 1 diagnosis) and require assistance in at
least two of the following:
- Basic living skills
- Maintaining a safe environment
- Employment due to limited work skills or employment history
Client must have limited or informal support and require
individual support in their home or community. Client must be
aware of and consent to case management; must require
assistance in accessing/engaging with community supports and have
short-term needs or goals that can be achieved in a maximum
Clients will be excluded if they have a:
- History of unpredictable behavoiur or threats which make
home visits unsafe
- Singular diagnosis of substance abuse or will continue to
receive support from other case management services within
mental health system
- Criminal offence of an objectively serious nature
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Custodial Facility Discharge Planning What is it?
Provides discharge and community coordination services to
persons with a serious mental illness being released from custody
at the following institutions:
- Maplehurst Correctional Complex
- Mimico Correctional Centre
- Ontario Correctional Institute
- Vanier Centre for Women
- Catchment area Province of Ontario
All clients will receive a plan consisting of:
- Community supports in their home community (services and
family linkages)
- Housing options
- Medical/psychiatric supports
- Emergency contact information
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Justice Housing
and Support What is it? Justice
housing and support provides a supported living environment for
persons with a serious and persistent mental illness, and
charged/convicted of a criminal offence within the past year,
enabling them to live interdependently in the community in an
atmosphere of support, co-operation, understanding, affordability
and recovery. Intake is through Supportive Housing in Peel at
905-795-8742. [ back to top ]