Local Health Integration Networks, called LHINs, are
not-for-profit corporations that work with local health providers
and community members to determine the health service priorities
of their regions. Created in April 2006, LHINs took on their full
role of planning and funding health services in April, 2007. LHINs
do not provide services directly, but are responsible for
integrating services in each of their specific geographic areas.
Click here to read the Service Accountability Agreement
between the Central West LHIN and CMHA/Peel.
Click here to read the French services
accountability agreement.
En français: Modele d’entente de responsabilisation en matiere
de services multisectoriels est ici.
The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care funds the
following CMHA/Peel programs through the Central West LHIN (LHIN
5). The Mississauga Halton LHIN (LHIN 6) funds a LHIN 6
Coordination Worker at the Consumer Survivor Support Network.
- ACT (Assertive Community Treatment)
- Access to Recovery Case Management
- Consumer Survivor Support Network
- Early Intervention Programs (FACT Peel+ and Concurrent
Disorders Training Program)
- Finance & Operations
- Housing Worker - HASP (partnership with Supportive
Housing in Peel)
- McEvenue Home Works
- Mental Health and Justice Services
- PAR North and South Clubhouses
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, through the Central
West LHIN, also funds our involvement on these committees and
- Peel Crisis Capacity Network (in partnership with Community
- Peel Mental Health Housing Coalition
- COAST (Crisis Outreach And Support Team) Peel (in
partnership with St. Elizabeth Health Care)
- Paymaster to Supportive Housing in Peel (for Safe Beds
- Peel Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee
Click here to read the guide to Mental Health and
Addiction Services in the Mississauga Halton LHIN.