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The Database of Mental Health & Addiction Services


Finance and Operations
Finance & Operations is comprised of a number of corporate functions, all of which provide support in one way or another to the staff of CMHA/Peel who provide direct service to clients. Financial management also supports the Branch’s involvement in community development.

Human Resources

This function encompasses compensation and benefits for all staff, as well as ensuring that we have the most competent and skilled staff hired and trained to provide quality service. Included in this area are health and safety, and compliance with all legislation.

Accounts Payable/Purchasing/Inventory

This function ensures that we have accessible facilities to provide program services, and that bills are paid and allocated to the appropriate service. It is Finance & Operations’ responsibility to make sure that our assets are insured and secure from possible losses.

Management Information Systems & Client Data Systems

Finance & Operations staff members provide training and day-to-day assistance with the collection, maintenance, and use of client and financial data. This data demonstrates our accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness in achieving client outcomes. Our information specialist staff members make sure that the staff has quality computer equipment, software, and procedures in order to assist them to do their jobs.

Communication Bridge

The staff communication bridge between the Board of Directors and the Community is provided predominantly through the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO is the only staff of the Board and formally, their sole link to the organization. The CEO and senior staff are also Community Developers, identifying service gaps and ways to reduce or eliminate those gaps as well as emerging opportunities.


Thanks to a Trillium grant, we have a staff person dedicated to the implementation of a comprehensive and sustainable fundraising program. Our Resource Development program is based on fostering relationships with donors. To read about Resource Development more click on the Donate/Join Us! menu item above.