Intake through FACT Peel 416-535-8501 x 7700
through CMHA/Peel at
Central Intake 905-451-2123
Agencies may
click here for a Central Intake referral form.
FACT Peel+ is a collaborative community treatment
program for clients who are approaching discharge from the FACT
Peel clinic. FACT Peel is a community based clinic
dedicated to the assessment of psychosis in adolescents and young
adults. It is an early intervention and treatment program run by
the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) aimed at
individuals 16-45 years of age who are at risk or experiencing a
first episode of psychosis To read about the FACT Peel
click here.
The + in FACT Peel+ represents three case managers --
two from CMHA/Peel and one from Supportive Housing in Peel. One is
a generalist, one an employment specialist and one a housing
specialist. Case managers from FACT Peel+ provide ongoing
community support that wasn't previously available. The desired
outcomes are:
- Individuals and their families are better supported and
better educated about their condition
- Individuals are connected to appropriate services in the
Early intervention and treatment is important because many
people make a good recovery from a first episode of psychosis and
many may never experience another episode.
Referrals to FACT Peel can be made by physicians, community
health care workers and agencies, school officials, as well as by
individuals and families.